Today I am grateful….
and I am grateful everyday.
This morning I am grateful. I am grateful for being able to wake up and have the discipline to get moving. I am grateful for the health and wellness to be able to go to the gym and lift and sweat and work on improving myself.
I am grateful for my children who wake and sometimes cry and throw a fit. I am grateful for my love who truly has made this life possible.
We are alive, healthy, strong, and most importantly humble while we accept and appreciate all that life has provided for us.
I am grateful for the business that we have built being able to provide safe and comfortable homes to our fellow humans. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve our community in many ways.
I am grateful for you. I am grateful to be able to share my gratitude with you. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully consider expressing gratitude in your life.
What are you grateful for?